NephJC Poster Tour
Please join us for one of two NephJC Poster Tours
Meet at Satellite Healthcare booth 1420
Thursday, November 2 at 9:30
- @Kidney_Boy
- @Nephro_Sparks
- @KidneyCathy
Friday, November 3, at 9:30
- @HSwapnil
- @Rheault_m
- @SLeonMD
What about Saturda,y November 4? Only a noob misses the late breaking and high impact trials for a poster tour.
The Satellite Healthcare booth (1420) is across the aisle from Arkana and just past a little organization that calls itself ASN.
The tour went great. We had a great turn out and saw a lot of innovative science. Some highlights.
Also, don't forget to check out the two NephJC posters on Thursday.