Episode 70: Predicting Preeclampsia, the PRAECIS trial

Nothing terrifies nephrologists, quite like the consult from labor and delivery. And one of the most vexing questions is, “Is this preeclampsia or proteinuric CKD or a lupus flare?” Perhaps a newly approved blood test will be able to shed light on this clinical conundrum. The ratio of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) to placental growth factor (PlGF) has appeared predictive of severe preeclampsia. The PRAECIS trial evaluated this is a prospective manner.

Join the filtrate as we do a truly incompetent job discussing this study.

The Filtrate:

Joel Topf

Swapnil Hiremath

AC Gomez

Nayan Arora

With Special Guest:

Anuja Java, complement god and pre-eclampsia research (Twitter)

Shannon M. Clark, MD, FACOG, an honest to god, true, maternal-fetal medicine specialist. (Website | Instagram)


Nayan Arora

Show Notes

CHIP Study from 2015 (NEJM | NephMadness 2015)

CHAP study from 2022 (NEJM | NephJC)

NephMadness 2024 coverage of the diagnosis of preeclampsia

sFlt background: Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia and Therapeutic Approaches Targeting the Placenta (PubMed)

PlGF background: Perspectives on the Use of Placental Growth Factor (PlGF) in the Prediction and Diagnosis of Pre-Eclampsia: Recent Insights and Future Steps (PubMed)

The PRAECIS trial (NephJC | NEJM Evidence)

You may just want to listen to Anna Burgner discuss preeclampsia with Kenar Jhaveri and Koyal Jain (GN in Ten) for the NephMadness PodCrawl

Bene Gesserit (Wikipedia)

Pathogenesis of preeclampsia: the genetic component (PubMed)

Tubular Secretions

Swap Slow Horses on Apple TV (Wikipedia)

AC Hidden Figures (Amazon)

Nayan Baseball, little league

Anuja Young Sheldon (Wikipedia)

Joel Dune audiobook (Amazon)