You have come across this paper, which suggests running Marathons can cause Acute Kidney Injury. Eminently tweetable, right?
We are chat about the article on Twitter.
On March 28, AJKD posted an article showing that 80% Marathon runners develop AKI stage 1 (by the AKIN criteria), 73% had ATN by urine microscopy.
When this article hit, it was picked up by the mainstream press.
click here
download the PDF
Take a look at some of the coverage:
Here is the PubMed link:
If you want to see how popular it has penetrated the internet, take a look (or link to and mention) it's totally bonkers Altimetric score:
1. Simple option:
- Craft a tweet (140 characters) to say something about this paper. (eg ‘Can running a marathon be bad for you?’)
- Add the url (will decrease your allowable character count) []
- Tweet
2. Notify others
Tag the journal (AJKD: @ajkdonline), one or more of the authors (senior author Chirag Parikh @KidneyDrChirag) or the institution (Yale: @YaleMed) in your tweet
- Notifies the author/institution that you are discussing their paper.
- They can reply, or clarify points
- They can retweet to their followers
- Good Manners!
Marathons can cause AKI, from @KidneyDrChirag in @ajkdonline …url
3. Add a hashtag
Tweet about the article with a #hashtag
What hashtags could apply to this journal article?
Other people who are following the hashtag (but not following you) will get notified of your tweet
4. A Picture speaks more than a thousand words
Add a table or an image from the article to your tweet
- Add more than 1 table or image (up to 4) from the article.
- Which one(s) would you choose for the most impact?
- Tips:
- Some figures are self-explanatory, some require a bit of context
- You can add twitter handles to the photo itself, to save characters (eg tag author, journal to the photo)
- Good Manners:
try to give proper attribution (eg url, PMID [pubmed ID], or Mansour et al AJKD) or
this tweet could be reply to your earlier tweet which does have the url/citation or
Screen capture the title which includes the title, author, journal and use that as the first image
5. Encourage other people who you think might be interested in this topic to join in the conversation
Who would want to know about your tweet? Who could add something meaningful, or answer some questions you may have about this article?
This could just be your friends and colleagues that you want to notify
Always free to tag any of us
Stats question? Ask @Methodsmanmd. Other AKI experts: Jay Koyner, Sarah Faubel
Could this article be discussed at #NephJC? Tag @NephJC, request for this article to be discussed
Use #askRenal to reach a wider audience with a specific question
6. When an article really excites you: A Tweet Storm
When you have actually read the entire article (yes, we do do that sometimes!) and have many things to say about it. Not enough to say in one tweet.
Tweet 1: Start with journal article with url, screen cap of title, tag authors/journal/institute in first tweet
Tweet 2 onwards: Hit reply to your own first tweet, so it becomes a thread (readers can follow the narrative)
Try to tell the story of the paper in the subsequent tweets. Why does it matter, what does it imply? The subsequent tweets do not need to include url. They can/should include images to explain what you are saying.
Collect all the tweets together into a Storify or a Twitter moment
Use numbers to warn/notify people it is one of a narrative (eg first tweet will be 1/5, and so on; can also say 1/n, 2/n and finish with n/n or /end in case you are not sure how many tweets you will have)
e.g. Swapnil about the Contrast Nephropathy AMACING RCT in Lancet
7. Check out who else is talking about it
You may be late to the game. Someone, or many people may have already tweeted about it.
How do you find out?
Check the twitter search field, eg ‘marathon’ and ‘acute kidney injury’ or ‘AKI’
See if the journal or author has already tweeted about it.
Check out the Altmetric for that manuscript (
This does not mean you should not tweet about an article. Your perspective is valuable to your followers + you may have a unique angle that others may not
You don’t have to start all conversations - reply to an interesting thread, engage with other folks who are tweeting about it