Introducing the first nephrology social media internship

Social media is becoming a force in medical education the threatens to disrupt the establishment. Free open access medical education (#FOAMed) resources are changing the way doctors learn and keep up to date. Nephrology has been near the front of this revolution with a handful of blogs, innovative crowd-sourced contests like NephMadness and DreamRCT, and a vibrant online journal club (if I do say so myself).

Looking to the future, while the audience for FOAMed is growing, it is clear that nephrology needs more people producing this content. To that end, NephJC is proud to be a founding member of the Nephrology Social Media Collective (NSMC), a loose federation of leaders in social media, that are creating a social media internship for nephrology. The internship is unpaid (like the rest of social media) and open to all doctors and med students interested in the intersection of social media and nephrology. The internship is one year long with much of the learning self directed. However interns will get unique access to some of the leading social media projects in nephrology.

For more information and to apply check out the home page.