SSASS in Kidney Medicine
The SSASS trial editorial is up in Kidney Medicine! Have a read.
Nice work by Yoshinosuke Shimamura, Michael Turk, Md Abdul Qader and Shweta Shah!
#TenTweetNephJC does CHIP
What the hell is CHIP and why do I need to know about it?
Check out this rapid summary by the talented and creative Tiffany Caza!
A New CHAPter in an Old Story
The CHAP Visual Abstract
Here is a visual take at “Should we treat mild chronic hypertension during pregnancy?” by Dr. Anand Chellappan
CHIPping away at Kidney Disease
The CHIP Visual Abstract
NSMC intern Mohamed Ibrahim created a beautiful visual abstract which simplifies the findings of CHIP study.
BASICS goes to Kidney Medicine
The discussion of the BASICS trial is up at Kidney Medicine. Great work by Mythri Shankar, Carlo Trinidad, and Elliot Tannor. Check it out here.
Last time dwelling on PD peritonitis guidelines....
With guidelines as big as the latest ISPD whopper you can’t #TenTweetNephJC it - but check out the alternative NephJC summary tweetorial with some take home points below.