The KDIGO ADPKD guideline is a result of a decade of global collaboration between physicians, researchers, advocates, and patients. 240 pages summarized in only 2 pictures, made by Cristina Popa.
Obinutuzumab in lupus nephritis: The REGENCY Trial Visual Abstract
Is Obinutuzumab Effective and Safe in Active Lupus Nephritis? Check out the beautiful VA by NSMC Faculty Dr Divya Bajpai on the REGENCY Trial, answering the same.
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Blockade prior to Adrenal Venous Sampling for PA - The Visual Abstract
Do Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists Preclude the Identification of Unilateral Primary Aldosteronism at Adrenal Venous Sampling?
Guidelines recommend withholding MRAs prior to PA subtyping by AVS. Is it worth the risk of hypokalemia and hypertension? NSMC Faculty Dr Divya Bajpai answers with a crisp VA
Undercover Aldosterone
Pain Coping Skills Training in Diaysis
Can we train to deal with the pain? HOPE trial shows us that non-pharmacological intervention can be an option. Visual abstract by Cristina Popa
RASi in advanced CKD - The Visual Abstract
Does initiation of ACEi and ARB help in advanced CKD? Check out the VA by Dr Nikhil John
The BPROAD Visual Abstract
The ADAPT Trial Visual Abstract
In patients with hyperkalemia on maintenance hemodialysis, whether a combination of higher dialysate potassium with SZC can reduce the rates of AF and other clinically significant arrhythmias? Check out the VA by Madiha Aziz
EMPA KIDNEY long term follow-up - Visual Abstract
Ondansetron in Hemodialysis: The Visual Abstract
Is the use of Ondensetron safe in patients on hemodialysis? Checkout the VA by NSMC intern Santhoshi Bavi
The FINE-HEART Visual Abstract
Checkout the visual depiction of pooled analysis of the Fine-Heart study by NSMC Intern Kajaree Giri.
FELZARTAMAB in Antibody Mediated Rejection - The Visual Abstract
Can felzartamab represent a new hope for antibody-mediated rejection? Check out the visual abstract by Shahin Mohammed
The ESPRIT Trial Visual Abstract
Does strict BP control help prevent major vascular events in patients with high CV risk? Check out the VA by NSMC intern Francisco Santamaria
PROTECTION trial - visual abstract
Should We Protect Kidney Function with Intravenous Amino Acids? Checkout the colorful VA of PROTECTION Trial by NSMC Intern Samantha Verdugo .
Risk of hypertension post living kidney donation - The Visual Abstract
The RADAR study - Visual Abstract
Are patients with rare kidney diseases different from other CKD? Check out the beautiful VAs by NSMC faculty Brian Rifkin and Cristina Popa
COMPASS Trial post hoc analysis - The Visual Abstract
Are proton pump inhibitors detrimental to kidney function?
Checkout the visual abstract for the post hoc observational analysis from the COMPASS Trial by NSMC Intern Rowan Zyada!
FLOW- the Visual Abstract
‘FLOW’ing with the Semaglu’TIDE’!
Check the beautiful visual abstract made by NephEdC intern Anjana Gopal, with an appearance of the Gila monster as well.
KDIGO 2024 CKD guidelines part 2 - Visual Abstract
Checkout the top 10 takeaways by KDIGO on the management of people with CKD. VA by Dr Vamsidhar Veeranki
Check out the TOP 10 takeaways from KDIGO - CKD guidelines on evaluation of people with or at risk of CKD by NSMC Intern Stephanie Torres