This week, we will celebrate in advance World Kidney Day by discussing the results of OBInutuzumab in active lupus nephritis. The LUNAR trial (rituximab versus placebo) was “almost” positive, but not quite there. Would Obi overpower its cousin ritux? ✨
BPROAD: Sprinting down the BP Road in Diabetes
Playing It Safe: Can Felzartamab Fill the Gap in AMR Treatment?
Trial by Combat: Do Amino Acids provide PROTECTION to the Kidneys?
FLOW - El Resumen Visual
¡La Marea de Semaglutida llegó a la Enfermedad Renal Crónica!
Del monstruo de Gila al estudio FLOW.
Para ello, veamos el hermoso resumen visual realizado por la pasante de NephEdC, Anjana Gopal, traducido por Milagros Flores.
FLOW- the Visual Abstract
‘FLOW’ing with the Semaglu’TIDE’!
Check the beautiful visual abstract made by NephEdC intern Anjana Gopal, with an appearance of the Gila monster as well.