This week, we will discuss hopefully the final story of intensive BP lowering. BPROAD is a larger version of ACCORD without the glycemic control arm. Dive in.
Trial by Combat: Do Amino Acids provide PROTECTION to the Kidneys?
FLOWing with the SemagluTIDE
Optimizing “Sparse” Treatments for FSGS
HDF vs HD: Need for CONVINCE-ing Evidence
Leaving No Stones Unturned: HCTZ in Nephrolithiasis
Is Less Always More? The Case of Fluids in Septic Shock
The Fluid Wars Return: Can we restore Balance to the field
Will PRESERVE preserve the contrast AKI status quo?
The Reprise wrapup
Does REPRISE Reiterate the TEMPO of Tolvaptan in Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Stop me if you heard this one before...The time a journal club corrected the NEJM
CANVAS wrapup
Can Canaglifozin Communicate Consistency with CANVAS?
A little NSAID never hurt anybody
The EMPA-REG Renal #NephJC chat wrap-up
#NephJC on AKI timing: some comparisons
#NephJC summary for HOPE-3 is Up
Check out the home page - great job by Peter Gallacher putting it together. See you all on April 26th or 27th. We hope to have an author online at the chat too. More soon!
#NephJC on desensitization & the winners of the #NEJMCup
This was another great #NephJC. Notable for many firsts:
- Hosting debuts by #NSMC intern, Silvi Shah, and RenalMed founder, Matt Graham-Brown (the latter also wrote the pre-chat summary)
- Lot of fresh faces (hello Pawan, Todd and Sian) and over 700 tweets from more than 60 tweeps
The transcripts and storifys are also already done - and up on the page, due to uber-fast curation from Hector.
Lastly, we have the pleasure of announcing the winners of the coveted #NEJMCup. There were many great tweets, so it took some time to sift through all the nominees. Here are the winning tweets:
Congratulations, Kevin and Sian! Your #NEJMCups should be on the way soon, courtesy of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Announcing the #NEJMCup for the next #NephJC, courtesy @NEJM
We are discussing an NEJM article next week (on that note check out the summary, written by Matt Graham-Brown). The hurdle? Its behind a subscriber-only wall - and this is an issue that has come up as a barrier for many of us not in academia or with a personal subscription to the Journal. However, the nice people at the Journal have kindly agreed to make it easily accessible for #NephJC readers - use the link on our summary page, and you will get the full text.
But there is more good news. Like what we have done in the past with JAMA, the best tweet of the night will get a prize. One for each chat.
The #NEJMCup!
Lastly, thanks to Lisa Rosenbaum for opening to doors to NEJM for us.