brian rifkin

La Aldosterona en la sombra

El hiperaldosteronismo primario (HAP) no es solo una entidad de hipertensión resistente; este estudio revela un continuo fisiopatológico que inicia en personas normotensas.

A través de pruebas dinámicas, ¿podría el HAP ser la base oculta de una proporción significativa de la hipertensión? ¿Cómo cambia nuestro enfoque en el diagnóstico y tratamiento?

👀 Veamos el resumen visual creado por Brian Rifkin 🎨✨ y 💬 únete a la conversación en #NephJC por Bluesky.

Top Stories in Nephrology 2024

Top Stories in Nephrology 2024

Should we call 2024 the Renaissance of nephrology? It was probably the richest year in RCTs in the nephrology world, reflected in the higher number of Late-Breaking Clinical Trials sessions at every big nephrology congress. Probably 1st place won’t surprise anyone; it was the anticipated FLOW of the year, but this Top 10 Nephrology Stories definitely includes some unexpected titles

Estudio RADAR - El Resumen Visual

El Resumen Visual

¿Realmente existen diferencias entre los pacientes con enfermedades renales raras de otras causas de ERC?

Veamos este resumen visual creado por el miembro de la facultad NephEdC, Brian Rifkin, el cual activa el RaDaR hacia las enfermedades renales raras.

Here We KDIGO Again: Lupus Nephritis 2024

New KDIGO guidelines since 2021, Lupus Nephritis is seeing lots of new therapeutics in the pipeline.

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

This week, we will discuss the recently published KDIGO lupus guidelines. Published a couple of years after the big GN guidelines - let us dive in to see what’s new in lupus nephritis

Top Stories in Nephrology 2023

Top Stories in Nephrology 2023

2023 brought us has dogma shredding data on hyponatremia and the importance of different diuretics. It has new therapies for old diseases like IgA and hypertension. New drugs for new diseases like inaxaplin for AMKD. And it has new data on old debates like what IVF is best and do thiazides really prevent kidney stones. It is a great list. Dig in!

Natriuresis (UNa) measurements to guide diuretic strategies?

TenTweetNephJC on X. Natriuresis guidance for intensification of diuretics is one strategy to PUSH decongestion in patient’s with acute heart failure.

Don't Stop Me Now!

If you missed the latest NephJC discussion, at least read the highlights here.

You gotta know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em. Review the #TenTweetNephJC for the STOP ACEi Trial, and always hold onto your ACEi.