In the Literature...

We mentioned the #MICE project in the newsletter a few days ago (what newsletter?? Check out and sign up - low volume, once a week, will keep you updated) - authored by Tejas Desai, Edgar Lerma, Ryan Madanick et al. It's published on the Winnower platform and has already accumulated some interesting reviews, including Chi Chu & Francesco. Two in particular stand out for their insightful comments - out-rivalling any peer review you may have seen, by Len Starnes and David Goldfarb, the latter written in his incomparable signature style.

Another fun paper (CoI alert: includes Swapnil and Joel as co-authors) is a 'Ten Steps for Setting up an Online Journal Club' - available here ($walled). This was a fun experience - crowd-sourced, written from start to end in a matter of days, and shepherded quite ably by Teresa Chan to publication.