The #NephJCKidneys nominations are in. Time to start voting!

So the nominations closed this past Friday, now it is time to open the polls and start voting for the winners. Three categories are open only to the NephJC workgroup and two are open to the #NephTwitter community. Here is the comprehensive list of nominations for 2018:

For the NephJC Work Group

Most Valuable Player

Omar Taco @ErrantNephron

Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil

John Arthur @NephroRock

Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer

Paul A Welling @PAWellingMD

Maryam Khosravi @_Dr_MK

Rookie of the Year

Samira Farouk @ssfarouk

Sinead Stoneman @Stones__

Manasi Bapat @manasib33

Sri Lekha Tummalapalli @LTummalapalli

Mya Htwe Nge @mhtwenge

James Novak @JamesNovakNeph

Diana Mina @DiMiRenalMD

Sayna Norouzi @SaynaNorouzi

Mario Funes @MarioFunesMD

Beje Thomas @bthomas215

Jennie Lin @jenniejlin

Mohamed E. Elrggal @M_Elraggal

Aakash Shingada @aakashshingada

Divya Bajpai @divyaa24

Maryam Khosravi @_Dr_MK

Engaged Researcher of the Year

Marvin Gonzalez @MarvinGonzlez16 for MesoAmerican Nephropathy: More Light on the Heat Hypothesis?

Tom Forbes @Kidney_Tom and Cathy Quinlan @KidneyCathy for Growing Organoids in a Dish

Steven Weisbord @stevenweisbord and Paul Palevsky @PaulPalevsky for Will PRESERVE preserve the contrast AKI status quo?

Gregory Tasian @GregoryTasian for Antibiotics are bad, the Stone Edition

Tom MacMillan @MacMillanTom and Rodrigo Cavalcanti @RB_Cavalcanti for The cause as a cure? The Case for a DDAVP clamp in severe Hyponatremia

Brahmajee Nallamothu @bnallamo for Atrial Fibrillation, Anticoagulation and Dialysis: Do We Finally Have A Better Option?

For #NephTwitter

Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year

Tony Breu @tony_breu for his #twearls

Rajnish Mehrotra @rajmehrotra1122 for making CJASN a leader in #VisualAbstracts

The Curbsiders @thecurbsiders for making an internal medicine podcast that is a pleasure to listen to.

Laura Brereton @LauraB_MPH for her “Life as a Nephrologist” @nkf Podcast

Poyan Mehr, Pravir Baxi, and Nikhil Agrawal for @GlomCon’s fellows curriculum.

Edgar Lerma @edgarvlermamd for #NephPearls

Samira Farouk @ssfarouk for NephSim

Tejas Desai @nephondemand and the @ISNeducation for developing 1-page infographics for #FOAMed

Study of the Year

Barbershop Blood Pressure Study (Haircutting Hypertension: Barbers & Blood Pressure)

PRESERVE (Will PRESERVE preserve the contrast AKI status quo?)

Spyral-On, Spyral-Off, and Radiance-Solo (Is Renal Denervation Innervated Again?)

Apixaban for atrial fibrillation in ESRD (Atrial Fibrillation, Anticoagulation and Dialysis: Do We Finally Have A Better Option?)

REPRISE (Does REPRISE Reiterate the TEMPO of Tolvaptan in Polycystic Kidney Disease?)

SMART and SALT-ED (The Fluid Wars Return: Can we restore Balance to the Field)

2017 ACC/AHA/etc. etc. etc. Hypertension Guidelines (Is 130 the new 140? The 2017 AHA/ACC Hypertension guidelines)

Time to vote!

Voting closes midnight (EDT) on October 14th.
This is a sprint. Vote now!