The #NephJCKidneys Voting is Over

Voting is OVER

Please join us for the awards ceremony on Friday at #KidneyWk.

As reminder here are all of the nominations:

Most Valuable Player

Omar Taco @ErrantNephron

Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil

John Arthur @NephroRock

Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer

Paul A Welling @PAWellingMD

Maryam Khosravi @_Dr_MK

Rookie of the Year

Samira Farouk @ssfarouk

Sinead Stoneman @Stones__

Manasi Bapat @manasib33

Sri Lekha Tummalapalli @LTummalapalli

Mya Htwe Nge @mhtwenge

James Novak @JamesNovakNeph

Diana Mina @DiMiRenalMD

Sayna Norouzi @SaynaNorouzi

Mario Funes @MarioFunesMD

Beje Thomas @bthomas215

Jennie Lin @jenniejlin

Mohamed E. Elrggal @M_Elraggal

Aakash Shingada @aakashshingada

Divya Bajpai @divyaa24

Maryam Khosravi @_Dr_MK

Engaged Researcher of the Year

Marvin Gonzalez @MarvinGonzlez16 for MesoAmerican Nephropathy: More Light on the Heat Hypothesis?

Tom Forbes @Kidney_Tom and Cathy Quinlan @KidneyCathy for Growing Organoids in a Dish

Steven Weisbord @stevenweisbord and Paul Palevsky @PaulPalevsky for Will PRESERVE preserve the contrast AKI status quo?

Gregory Tasian @GregoryTasian for Antibiotics are bad, the Stone Edition

Tom MacMillan @MacMillanTom and Rodrigo Cavalcanti @RB_Cavalcanti for The cause as a cure? The Case for a DDAVP clamp in severe Hyponatremia

Brahmajee Nallamothu @bnallamo for Atrial Fibrillation, Anticoagulation and Dialysis: Do We Finally Have A Better Option?

Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year

Tony Breu @tony_breu for his #twearls

Rajnish Mehrotra @rajmehrotra1122 for making CJASN a leader in #VisualAbstracts

The Curbsiders @thecurbsiders for making an internal medicine podcast that is a pleasure to listen to.

Laura Brereton @LauraB_MPH for her “Life as a Nephrologist” @nkf Podcast

Poyan Mehr, Pravir Baxi, and Nikhil Agrawal for @GlomCon’s fellows curriculum.

Edgar Lerma @edgarvlermamd for #NephPearls

Samira Farouk @ssfarouk for NephSim

Tejas Desai @nephondemand and the @ISNeducation for developing 1-page infographics for #FOAMed

Study of the Year

Barbershop Blood Pressure Study (Haircutting Hypertension: Barbers & Blood Pressure)

PRESERVE (Will PRESERVE preserve the contrast AKI status quo?)

Spyral-On, Spyral-Off, and Radiance-Solo (Is Renal Denervation Innervated Again?)

Apixaban for atrial fibrillation in ESRD (Atrial Fibrillation, Anticoagulation and Dialysis: Do We Finally Have A Better Option?)

REPRISE (Does REPRISE Reiterate the TEMPO of Tolvaptan in Polycystic Kidney Disease?)

SMART and SALT-ED (The Fluid Wars Return: Can we restore Balance to the Field)

2017 ACC/AHA/etc. etc. etc. Hypertension Guidelines (Is 130 the new 140? The 2017 AHA/ACC Hypertension guidelines)