Once again the most prestigous awards in Nephrology Social Media, the NephJC Kidneys are gearing up for the the third year. We need your help to nominate candidates.
The categories are:
Article of the Year
The most important nephrology study of the year
Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year
A novel nephrology social media project with the greatest impact
Engaged Researcher of the Year.
Investigator with the best participation in a NephJC chat
NephJC Rookie of the Year.
Best new participant in NephJC
NephJC Most Valuable Player.
Best NephJC participant
Please send in your nominations by tweeting with the hashtag #NephJCKidneys
The awards will be announced at the NephJC and NSMC Tweet-Up at Kidney Week on Friday October 26. The Tweet-up includes a real dinner this year! More details soon.