Time to vote for the 2020 #NephJCKidneys

We had a great response to our call for nominations for the #NephJCKidneys but the nomination period is closed. On to the voting.

Once you have scanned the slate, follow this link to vote.

(Note some categories are not open for the public and are voted on by the NephJC Steering Committee)

The nominations are:

Article of the Year The most important nephrology study of the year

Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year recognizes the nephrology social media project with the greatest impact

Engaged Researcher of the Year Investigator with the best participation in a NephJC chat

NephJC Most Valuable Player Most important and highest impact participant in the NephJC discussions

CJASN Visual Abstract of the Year The best visual abstract of the year

  • Michelle Lim

  • Omar Taco

  • Dominique Tomacruz

  • Verner Venegas

  • Edgar Lerma

  • Priti Meena


And lastly, new this year: NephJC Social Justice Award for the investigator or organization making an impact in addressing racial disparities in nephrology and kidney disease