2024 #NephJCKidneys vote begins

After an extended nomination period and now it is time to vote for your favorites. Like in the previous years, you will need to be a subscriber to the newsletter to be eligible to vote.

Just one week to vote!

Some of the prizes will be decide by internal NephJC Nephrons group. If you want a chance to vote for the open categories (Article of the Year, Nathan Hellman Social Media Award, Most Engaged Researcher of the Year and the NephJC Social Justice Award), you need to be on the NephJC Newsletter community. The link to vote will be in the newsletter.

Here is the final ballot:

Most Valuable Player

Brian Rifkin @brian_rifkin

Milagros Flores @dra_miliflores

Divya Bajpai @divyaa24

Cristina Popa @NephroSeeker

Engaged Scientist of the Year

Michelle Rheault @rheault_m

Brendon Neuen @brendonneuen

Katherine Tuttle @KatherineTuttl8

Sanjeev Sethi @SethiRenalPath

Rookie of the Year

Kajaree Giri @KajareeG

Stephanie Torres @stephanietr612

Elba Medina @elbaonelida

Milagros Flores @dra_miliflores

Manuscript of the Year

Effects of Semaglutide on Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (FLOW, NEJM)

Chronic kidney disease and the global public health agenda: an international consensus (Nature Reviews Nephrology)

Effect of Starting Dialysis Versus Continuing Medical Management on Survival and Home Time in Older Adults with Kidney Failure: A Target Trial Emulation Study (Ann Intern Med)

KDIGO 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (Kidney International)

Discontinuation vs. continuation of renin-angiotensin system inhibition before non-cardiac surgery: the SPACE trial (Eur H Journal)

SLEEP-HD: Effectiveness of Existing Insomnia Therapies for Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: Randomized Clinical Trial (Ann Intern Med)

Efficacy and safety of a targeted-release formulation of budesonide in patients with primary IgA nephropathy (NefIgArd): 2-year results from a randomized phase 3 trial (Lancet)

Apolipoprotein E is enriched in dense deposits and is a marker for dense deposit disease in C3 glomerulopathy (Kidney International)

The Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year

MARKUS@home YouTube channel @gunnar_heine

ISN Social media team- current chair Augusto Santos Jr. @acssjr, deputy chair Manjusha Yadla @myadla, ISN staff Fernanda Arce-Amaré @FerArceAmare

Edgar Lerma (@edgarvlermamd) and the team of ASN VA journals

GlomCon fellowship - it won in 2018, but this year they did first in person conference in Hawaii

Social Justice Award

John Maxcy (@nephron_maniac) dual organ donor and helped pass Living Donor Law in MS

The International Society of Nephrology for the Kidney Petition for WHO Global Health resolution

Founders Award

Cristina Popa @NephroSeeker

Brian Rifkin @brian_rifkin

Originally Yielded Visual Abstract of the Year

Edgar Lerma (@edgarvlermamd) for VA of Role of Diuretics in Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial

Cristina Popa (@NephroSeeker) for NephMadness Gila monster infographics

Brian Rifkin (@brian_rifkin) for NephMadness Dove

Sophia Ambruso (@sophia_kidney) for NephMadness urinary avian system

Corina Teodosiu (@CTeodosiu) for figures in the KIreports article Thrombotic Microangiopathy in Pregnancy: Current Understanding and Management Strategies

Priti Meena (@Priti899 ) for the infographics in the book Pregnancy and kidney disease