Swapnil hits the mainstream media!
Swapnil Hiremath, is the co-founder of NephJC and his research was recently highlighted in Time Magazine, as in Time Man of the Year, Time Magazine. Awesome work, I can't wait to see his data at ASN Kidney Week. Way to go Swapnil!
If you are interested in the issue that Swapnil investigated, this article may provide some additional useful data.
UPDATE: Swapnil also made the ASN In the Loop e-mail blast on October 30. Wow.
NephJC.com: how people get here
Last week I tweeted:
I received varied response, Pascale Lane and Michael Katz agreed, while Dr. Canapari disagreed:
And Matt Sparks called me directly to tell me that I was crazy; the analytics he has access to show search by a mile.
Here is the data for the last month at NephJC, Direct links (bookmarks, e-mail links, hand typed URLs, others?, etc) and Twitter (t.co) represent 75% of traffic with Google mopping up a distant third.
Analytics and transcript from NephJC #13: Troponins in CKD
Storify from last week's NephJC on Troponin
We had a great NephJC last week going over the meta analysis on troponin in CKD> Meta analysis are hard to do in journal club, but it was a great session. Lots of new faces.
How to embed a Storify into a blog post
Some very clever people have asked me how to embed a Storify into a blog post. Here are some step by step instructions.
- go to the Storify page with the content you want to embed
- Click on </> Embed (upper right corner)
- Click on show templates
- NephJC tries to always use the slide show format
- We also use full header and a border
- Elect and copy the embed code HTML in the box
- In the SquareSpace blog post add a code block </>
- Paste the embed HTML over <p>Hello, World!</p>
- Save
Curated transcripts of last ngiht's U/S v CT scan #NephJC
The eAJKD crew and Tejas Desai both storified last night's twitter NephJC. Dig in:
NephJC 12 analytics
It was a fine evening for discussion. Despite (or perhaps because of) the recent #UroJC which was just concluding, we had a good turnout and some great discussion.
#UroJC pulled a Nelson Cruz on CT v US yesterday
The UroJC started their Twitter JC is stunning fashion yesterday. Here is my storify complete with sarcastic comments.
#NephJC , the most tweeted nephrology hashtag. For now.
The #CJASNeJC hashtag is now registered with Symplur
New to Twitter? Wondering who to follow?
Twitter is a strange a service, because if you don't follow anyone it is about as useful as the first telephone. Value only emerges as your follow list evolves. One of the missions of NephJC is to bring nephrologists together for twitter events so people can find other interesting people develop there own network. If you don't pick up 1 or 2 new people to follow at every #NephJC discussion either we are doing a bad job or you're doing it wrong.
The value of Twitter is related directly to the quality of the people you follow. In the spirit of helping people get started on Twitter we are going to recommend accounts to follow on Twitter. This first edition is about official accounts.
CRIC: Chrinic Renal Insufficiency Cohort. The most important observational study in CKD ever conducted.
KDIGO: Global nephrology clinical practice guidelines
ERA-EDTA: European nephrology professional association
ASNKidney: The big kahuna.
RenalMed: Free online nephrology resources
NatureRevNephrology: Editors of Nature Reviews Nephrology
Andrew Narva: Director of of the NKDEP using twitter to fight the good fight
Richard Lehman: Simply the best commentator on internal medicine research in the world.
Kidney News: News magazine for the ASN
NEJM: The Journal of Record
JAMA: Wants to be The Journal of Record
CJASN: New to the show, show them some follow love. Only 22 followers. Really?
eAJKD: the blog of the AJKD with 1200 followers. Hey, CJASN, this is how it's done!
The International Society of Nephrology. ASN but for the world.
Canadian Society of Nephrology. ASN but for the Great White North
Pubmed Comment up on #NephJC 11
The fantastic tweet chat from #Neph JC has been promptly summarised in a comment up at PubMed Commons.
We will get around to summarising the previous #NephJC tweet chats shortly!
Our cup poureth over. Another Storify by Tejas Desai
Tejas is a nephrology blogger and Fellowship Program Director. He runs Nephrology on Demand has made it his mission to storify every NephJC and he delivered this one right by the time the discussion was over.
Excellent (and succinct) summary of last night's #NephJC
Kristina Fiore of MedPage today did a really nice job summarizing last night's NephJC.
Just noticed that we never posted the analytics for the NEJM Na extravaganza
#NephJC number 10, by the numbers:
Dare I say that last night was the best #NephJC yet?
Wow! What a great discussion!
We had 22 participants, including a number of new faces. This is the highest participation since we teamed with the cardiologists for POSEIDON in NephJC #5. The people also participated with 308 tweets, also the second most, next to POSEIDON, ever. Great #NephJC. Thank you everyone.
Here are the numbers and links to the analytics and transcript.
#NephJC goes again tonight at 9pm
We are going to discuss the intriguing article on pentoxifilline for diabetic kidney disease. Take a look at the summary on NephJC or the comprehensive summary of renal studies of pentoxifilline written by Christos Argyropoulos at Precious Bodily Fluids.
This is our 11th NephJC. Hope to see everyone there!
What is #NephJC Live?
So this is the obvious question. The idea is still not fully formed but the pitch to ASN was that we would find some scientists who are presenting at an ASN poster session that would like a venue to discuss their data in front of an intelligent, engaged and honestly, quite handsome audience. The NephJC Live session is on Saturday, so everybody's embargo will be expired and authors will be free discuss their research.
That said we are looking for scientists eager to present at NephJC. If you are interested or know someone with great data that did not get an opportunity to discuss it with an oral presentation have them contact nephrologyjc@gmail.com.
#NephJC is going to do a live show at #KidneyWk14
We just got approval from the powers at ASN to do a live session on Saturday. We plan on having lunch and discussing a couple of studies but the real attraction will be meeting people face to face. More details as they become finalized!