Gail Garwood is a CKD patient and an author of multiple books about life with CKD. There may not be a patient on the planet who has thought more about the diagnosis of CKD. I remember her Tweets while I was live Tweeting President Himmelfarb's address at the 2015 Kidney Week
So I was excited to let her read and respond to the editorial. Her thoughtful response is on her blog, SLOWITDOWNCKD.
“There is no one size fits all here. Nor does there yet seem to be precision. My CKD at 70 is not the same as it was at 60. If I had diabetes, my CKD treatment would be different, too. I do have hypertension and that has already changed my CKD treatment.
This got me to thinking. How would every nephrologist find the time for this individualized treatment for each CKD patient? And what other tests will each patient need to determine treatment based on his/her UNIQUE form of CKD?”