We have a patient voice feature back on the FLOW trial from Kevin Fowler.
DAPA-CKD: A Catalyst for Change
A Step Forward to Advance Kidney Health: Placing Urine Protein Front and Center
ISPD 2020 Recommendations: A Patient Commentary
IgA Nephropathy: A Patient Voice
Lanreotide in ADPKD: A Patient Voice
Skin Cancer after Transplant: A Patient Commentary
ADPKD Patient Perspective
Donors from Overdoses: Highlighting an Education Gap
Getting ‘THE CALL’ for a deceased donor organ transplant….and coming to know it is from a high risk or increased risk donor. From someone who was has died of a drug overdose. What does it mean for a patient on dialysis eager to stop dialysis - but worried about receiving a gift that lasts? Susan Kjos explores the dilemma
Kidney Failure after Childhood Kidney Disease: the Patient Voice
Another Patient Perspective on REPRISE
REPRISE: The Patient Perspective
Pediatric Blood pressure Guidelines, the patient perspective
Itching: Another patient commentary
Itching: Patient Commentary
The recent CJASN data from DOPPS, also links to two excellent videos from the NHS Heart of England centre. They are a first person account, giving a vivid example of the change that simple itching can have in all aspects of day to day life.