The CREDENCE chat wrapup
Social Media in Medicine Research Library
The team at Symplur have teamed up with Stanford to compile a comprehensive library (217 articles!) of medical publications on social media. You can sort the list by altimetric score, title, first author's last name, yet, journal or impact factor. Looks very cool.
There are 7 articles on social media with an Altimetric score over 200!
#NephJC 28 - Stats
North American Chat
GMT chat
Quite close - and the stats from Symplur don't capture all the differences. Very different feel, and discussion. Storify to follow.
Swapnil Hiremath, MD
The NephJC 23 (warfarin) American chat Storify - and analytics
It was pretty well attended...
So was the GMT chat next day...
NephJC 22: GMT chat
The American chat (mostly by virtue of its longevity) still has more participants and tweets, but the GMT (EU/African) chat makes up by being fun and entertaining. Tom Oates, Paul Phelan, Francesco and their merry band of tweeters make for delightful reading. Jungle Juice, scud missiles and more. See some highlights below