TWiN (The Week in Nephrology) 4th July 2016

Neesh Pannu (@nipannu) and others published a new risk prediction score for #AKI requiring renal replacement therapy post cardiac surgery using variables available pre-op like - congestive heart failure, Canadian Cardiovascular Society angina class III or higher, diabetes mellitus , baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate , increasing hemoglobin concentration, proteinuria , coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) plus valve surgery (v. CABG only), other cardiac procedure (v. CABG only) and emergent status for surgery booking. This new tool published in CMAJ improves the prediction over the previously available Cleveland Clinic Score.

An excellent review on the pathophysiology and treatment of Lupus Nephritis from Kidney International was just published. And published in NDT is a comparison of all the Lupus Nephritis treatment guidelines. A nice 1-2 for #Lupus Nephritis this week.

In a recent study published in CJASN, a group of investigators studied the outcomes of use of various induction therapies and the use of steroids in deceased donor kidney transplants. The data suggested that rATG may have better outcomes in patients on a steroid avoidance protocol.

A review from Nature Reviews Nephrology - Phil Halloran authors an informative review on the molecules of kidney transplant disease states from transplant biopsies. #mustread

A fascinating review on the role of infectious diseases and its impact on kidney diseases was published by Vivek Jha (@vjha126)  and N.Prasad in AJKD. Though this articles relates to the Asia Pacific region, Veeraish Chauhan(@DrVC_kidney) makes a compelling argument for all nephrologists (incl Western Hemisphere) to pay heed, in his AJKDBlog post.


- Nikhil Shah (@dr_nikhilshah)

What's up with the NephJC signal cityscape

In the last few months we have been scheduling our chats out further and further, however this breaks down when a high impact trial is published. This led to the concept of the emergency NephJC chat. We did it first for AKIKI and ELAIN:

And then most recently for this week's chat on EMPA-REG

Some people have asked about the buildings in the cityscape. They are:

Sears Tower in Chicago for Edgar

Leaning Tower of Pisa for Francesco

The Gherkin in London for Tom and Matt

The Statue of Liberty in New York for Kenar and Scherly

The CN Tower of Toronto for Swapnil (closest I could get to Ottawa)

The Renaissance Center in Detroit for Joel

The AT&T building in Nashville for Anna

The Trans America Pyramid in San Francisco for Graham

That's not the whole team but it is a start.