Next Tuesday and Wednesday we will discuss three, yes, three trials of renal denervation. Is renal denervation ready to rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes of Symplicity-3?
Organoid Wrap up
Organoids, Stem Cells, and a couple of visual abstracts
The NephJC discussion has two visual abstracts. The first from Divya
And the other by study author Thomas Forbes
From Stem Cells to Organoid Disease Models- The Investigator's Thoughts
Growing Organoids in a Dish
Overdose and Donors: The wrap up
NephJC Summer Book Club
Tubular Talk: Nephro-Pharmacology
Donors from Overdoses: Highlighting an Education Gap
Getting ‘THE CALL’ for a deceased donor organ transplant….and coming to know it is from a high risk or increased risk donor. From someone who was has died of a drug overdose. What does it mean for a patient on dialysis eager to stop dialysis - but worried about receiving a gift that lasts? Susan Kjos explores the dilemma
Overdosed Donors: The Visual Abstract
For this #NephJC, Samira Farouk, from the NSMC class of 2018 and a nephrology fellow from Mount Sinai, NY, has not only written an excellent summary - but also created the visual abstract, and will be hosting the chat next week.
Donating Organs & Drug Overdoses
Nephrocystin: the Wrap up
Tonight, join us for an #AskASN discussion of belatacept in transplant
Tuesday, May 15 at 9pm EDT #AskASN returns for a discussion of belatacept with transplant experts Matthew Ellis, MD from Duke and Silvi Shah from Cincinnati.
Here is a visual abstract by Aakash Shingada on the BENEFIT trials to wet your appetite.
Nephrocystin: the Visual Abstract
Here is the visual abstract from NSMC intern Sinead Stoneman.
Also new this week: we turn over the reigns of #NephJC even for the hosting duties
Full visual abstract at this link.
We also have a Spanish version of the Visual Abstract, courtesy Pablo Garcia:
Nephrocystin: More Notable than we thought?
To most Nephrologists, Nephronophthisis (NPH) is considered to be a rare autosomal recessive paediatric disease. However, this article by Snoek et al challenges that belief, by examining the prevalence of mutations that cause NPH, in adults with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Read our NephJC summary below and come along to our Twitter Journal Club discussion to find out whether you might consider a diagnosis of NPH, next time you see that patient carrying a label of ‘ESRD, cause unknown’.
Veterans in Medicare: the Wrap up
The perils and pitfalls of Observational studies: ‘Where do we stand with Propensity Matching?’
Medicare versus VA Visual Abstract
Sara Gleeson did this wonderful visual abstract for this week's NephJC discussion