Blog — NephJC


KDIGO 2025 ADPKD Guidelines Review

KDIGO 2025 ADPKD Guidelines Review

This week, we will discuss the first iteration of KDIGO’s 2025 guidelines on ADPKD.  These guidelines are a result of a decade of global collaboration between physicians, researchers, advocates, and patients. The guidelines incorporate ADPKD-specific care as well as many general CKD management practice points.

REGENCY: A B-Cell Super Destroyer in Lupus

REGENCY: A B-Cell Super Destroyer in Lupus

This week, we will celebrate in advance World Kidney Day by discussing the results of OBInutuzumab in active lupus nephritis. The LUNAR trial (rituximab versus placebo) was “almost” positive, but not quite there. Would Obi overpower its cousin ritux? ✨

Hunting Primary Hyperaldosteronism: are MRAs a blindfold in adrenal vein sampling?

Hunting Primary Hyperaldosteronism: are MRAs a blindfold in adrenal vein sampling?

This week, we will continue with February’s aldosterone leitmotif: do mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) truly blind the diagnostic in unilateral hypraldosteronism? Is this the article the mythbuster? Draw your own conclusions

Potassium Rollercoaster Heartbreak

Potassium Rollercoaster Heartbreak

This week, we will discuss the use of 3K dialysis bath with sodium zirconium cyclosilicate versus 2K bath and no potassium lowering medications in dialysis patients and the associated risk of arrhythmia.

Re”FINE”ing the role of non steroidal MRAs in Cardio Kidney Metabolic syndrome

Re”FINE”ing the role of non steroidal MRAs in Cardio Kidney Metabolic syndrome

This week, we will discuss non-steroidal mineralocorticoid antagonist in the multiverse of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic. What FINEHEART pooled analysis would add to what we already learned from FIDELIO-DKD trial?

The pressure is on! Unravelling the ESPRIT of Intensive vs Standard BP Control

The pressure is on! Unravelling the ESPRIT of Intensive vs Standard BP Control

This week, we will discuss the ongoing saga of blood pressure targets in patients with hypertension. This time its ESPRIT (Effects of Intensive Systolic Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment in Reducing Risk of Vascular Events) making a case for case for intensive BP control in most hypertensive individuals, including those with a history of diabetes and stroke.