Thanks for the outpouring of participation following our call for nominations for the NephJC Kidney Awards. It has been heart warming to see our community step up and show us what an amazing year it has been.
Should we push fluids in Sepsis? The wrap up
Sepsis in Africa Visual Abstract
Median upper arm circumference...what's up with that.
Sepsis Fluids
The NephJC Kidneys are off to cracking start
The Pruritis #NephJC chat wrapup
Pruritus Systematic Review #VisualAbstract
Longer HD, but no change in QoL, the wrap up
The TESTING wrapup
Tomorrow, AskASN returns with a eGFR grudge match
The NephJC Kidneys...They're back
Itching: Another patient commentary
Itching: Patient Commentary
The recent CJASN data from DOPPS, also links to two excellent videos from the NHS Heart of England centre. They are a first person account, giving a vivid example of the change that simple itching can have in all aspects of day to day life.
Should you just Scratch the Itch?
ACTIVE trial, the Visual Abstract
The Visual Abstract for the ACTIVE trial NephJC, scheduled for Tuesday/Wednesday this week. From the Visual Abstract artist, @KidneyBea_n