Time to vote for the Top Nephrology Stories of 2019

2019 marks the last yearly installment of Top Nephrology-Related Stories of this decade. It is also one of the longest yearly traditions in social media, with the first post appearing on Renal Fellow Network in 2010 top nephrology stories of the year.

One of the important parts of the tradition is that Top Nephrology Stories of the Year depends on the wisdom of the crowd.

**You will notice that MENTOR is not on the voting list. This is because it was included in 2017 (as number 7). Studies can only be included once.

We need you to vote for your favorites.

Votes will be counted Next Monday December 31th, 2019

Now is the time for you to vote. The ballot is here:

Creatinine to Cystatin C: Time to Change?

Creatinine to Cystatin C: Time to Change?

This week, we will discuss a paper from Nature Medicine. Cystatin C has been around for a while, but not taken off in routine practice. Is it time for it to do so? In this study, authors from Glasgow using the UKBiobank data show that cystatin C improves the prediction of bad outcomes.

Can difelikefalin scratch uremic pruritus?

Can difelikefalin scratch uremic pruritus?

This week we will be discussing the KALM-1 trial which was presented at the Late Breaking and High Impact Trial Session at the recently completed #KidneyWk. It was simultaneously published in the NEJM. Kalm-1 investigated whether difelikefalin, a opioid kappa agonist, decreased uremic pruritus.