This week, we will discuss the fresh-off-the-press ISPD recommendations on what they call as ‘prescribing high quality, goal directed’ PD. No mention of adequacy even in the title, in a subtle shade at the move away from numbers to things that really matter.
Nice PEXIVAS vs MEPEX infographic
Confused about how PEXIVAS reversed MEPEX? Maybe this infographic will help.
Nice work by NSM intern Namrata Parikh.
PEXIVAS: the Visual Abstract
perPLEXed by ANCA? Let PEXIVAS show you the path to less steroids and the end of plasma exchange
Visual Abstract on ANCA vasculitis and Myeloperoxidase Inhibition Attenuates Neutrophil Activation
Krithika Mohan came up big this with this week’s visual abstract
Are ANCA actually attackers?
Announcing the NSMC Internship Class of 2020
GAD is still BAD: A Commentary
GAD ain't BAD
Gadolinium in CKD 4 , 5 and dialysis systematic review and meta analysis. The Visual Abstract
Vicki Sandys put together the visual abstract for this week’s NephJC
The MMF Dosing Visual Abstract
Wow. Krystahl Andujar saved our bacon with a last minute visual abstract.
Maybe MMF Measurement Matters?
The Top Nephrology Stories of 2019
Time to vote for the Top Nephrology Stories of 2019
2019 marks the last yearly installment of Top Nephrology-Related Stories of this decade. It is also one of the longest yearly traditions in social media, with the first post appearing on Renal Fellow Network in 2010 top nephrology stories of the year.
One of the important parts of the tradition is that Top Nephrology Stories of the Year depends on the wisdom of the crowd.
**You will notice that MENTOR is not on the voting list. This is because it was included in 2017 (as number 7). Studies can only be included once.
We need you to vote for your favorites.
Votes will be counted Next Monday December 31th, 2019
Now is the time for you to vote. The ballot is here:
Creatinine to Cystatin C: Time to Change?
Cystatin C: The Visual Abstract
Mannitol for IDH: The Visual Abstract
Edgar created this visual abstract, for the AJKD blog. Why mess with something so good?
Repurposing old drugs: Mannitol for Intradialytic Hypotension
Kalm-1 Visual Abstract
Visual abstract from Topf