TenTweetNephJC on AIN = TenXNephJC on AIN = XXNephJC on AIN…? Twitter not being called twitter is confusing.
The Kidney Cellular Architecture Atlas
The kidney cell architecture atlas infographic by Dr Jithu Kurian
The Kidney Cellular Architecture: A Renal Research Roadmap
Nominations are OPEN for the 2023 NephJC Kidneys
Intensive BP control in Elderly - Visual Abstract
Intensive blood pressure control in hospitalized older adults beneficial or detrimental?
NSMC intern Melvin Chan explains with a visual abstract
Pressure! Pushing down on me, pushing down on you: Should we be aggressively treating inpatient hypertension?
CXCL9 in AIN - Visual abstract
CXCL9: A Urinary Marker ExplAINed
Fluid Wars: Plasmalyte Strikes Back
Patients are given a lot of fluid post-transplant, but which to choose? Catch up on the latest evidence here.
NephJC Summer Book Club
NephJC 2023 Pledge Drive
TenXeetNephJC? TenPostNephJC? It's HDF and CONVINCE anyway.
Huge trial on our core work, catch-up here
The BEST-FLUID Visual Abstract
Is intravenous fluid therapy with a balanced crystalloid solution better than saline for patients receiving a deceased donor kidney transplant? Check out the BEST-FLUID VA by NSMC Intern Anitha Swami
Art of Balance In Preventing Delayed Graft Function - BEST FLUIDS for better outcomes
Flozinator and NephJC pins are gone
Sorry, you missed it.
Purchasing a Golden Flozinator pin will also give you a ticket to the NephJC Live Podcast recording with the Curbsiders at this year’s ASN Kidney Week.
Breaking the discord between patients’ goals and traditional trial outcomes: the SWIFT trial
The CONVINCE Visual Abstract
Check out the COVINCE-ing Visual Abstract by Saumya Vishnoi
HDF vs HD: Need for CONVINCE-ing Evidence
NephJC 2023 Pledge Drive
#TenTweetsNephJC does STS and CUA
WIth no RCTs to go on, we review a meta-analysis on sodium thiosulphate for calciphylaxis