This week, we will discussing the EMPA-Kidney Study! Expanding flozin kidney protection to a lower level of GFR and albuminuria.
Keep Calm and #AskRenal
ASN Innovations in Kidney Education Contest winners
The 2022 NephJC Kidneys Award Winners
KidneyWk 2022 BINGO
Get the original #KidneyWk Bingo Board here (PDF).
We are not responsible if you get kicked out for yelling “BINGO!”
#KidneyWk is Here!
What does the future look like in ADPKD?
Basic science week - catch up in only Ten Tweets here.
Is the horse before the CAR T in SLE?
Is Anti-CD19 CAR T Cell therapy helpful in refractory SLE? The Visual Abract
Is Anti-CD19 CAR T Cell therapy an efficacious and tolerable option for refractory SLE?
NSMC intern Susan Thanabalasingam explains it graphically
mRNA cis-inhibition in PKD progression - The Visual Abstract
NSMC intern Sandhya Suresh simplifies the role of mRNA cis-inhibition in PKD progression via a lucid visual abstract
Role of mRNA cis-inhibition in PKD progression
2022 #NephJCKidneys vote begins
Announcing the 2022 #KidneyWk Logo
#NephJCKidneys are off to a cracking start
More diuretics = more diuresis
The ADVOR trial (adding acetazolamide in acute heart failure) is covered by #TenTweetNephJC
#NephJC is going to be busy at #KidneyWk. Join us!
Efficiency in clinical trials: Getting to the H4RT of registry design
The ANCA PLEX commentary on Kidney Medicine
The commentary on the BMJ meta-analysis on PLEX in ANCA vascuitis is now online on Kidney Medicine. Nice work by Anoushka Krishnan, Cristina Popa and Priyadarshini John. Read the paper here
Is piperacillin-tazobactam nephrotoxic?
The debate continues, but this time with cystatin-C measurements. Read the #TenTweetNephJC summary here!
ADVOR TRIAL - The Visual Abstract
Does acetazolamide help decongest in acute decompensated heart failure with volume overload? NSMC Intern Dr Api Chewcharat explains it with a beautiful visual abstract